

I run security operations in multi-account AWS organization setup. There are various AWS & open source security tools used for handling security events in AWS. However, I found it very beneficial to centralize all findings in AWS Security Hub as it provides complete overview of all security events in the AWS organization. Apart from that, it also normalizes all security events into a common format: Amazon Security Finding Format (ASFF).

The benefit of this is that regardless of vendor or tool, all the findings share the same format. However, there are some downsides:

  • the format is quite extensive (which is DEFINITELY good for verbose information, but can cause headaches what and how much data should be provided)

  • there are no easy to use libraries with proper validation and simple interface

  • lack of tooling to build ASFF findings regardless of the programming language

python-asff tries to rectify this.

Main features

python-asff main features are:

  • schema correctness - once Python class has been created, it will be fully validated, so user can be certain that class is always suitable for ingestion into AWS Security Hub.

  • simplicity - the library aims to provide extremely simple interface, so people can ingest finding easily and focus on what matters - fixing them. Moreover, it also provides helpers that allow you to fetch information about resources easily.

  • minimal dependencies - for as wider adoption as possible, we commit to keep the number of external dependencies very small. Only dependency to stay is pydantic, which provides underlying functionality.

  • CLI tooling - provide CLI tooling that will allow non-Python projects to create ASFF findings from any security tool suitable for ingestion into Security Hub easily.